Saturday, May 10, 2008

chewed blonds arrive in the mail

 Sammy the Dalmatian's blond bear with white paws came through the mail slot yesterday. 
This creature's head is severed, barely attached to a right paw and piece of the back. Three accompanying remnants include a front or back piece, one with the white of a foot, and another that still has some stuffing in a left paw, and the Made in China label says: Huggable Farm friends. Hmmm, are farm friends huggable? 

Another one arrived with a special afternoon postal custodian in a jiffy pack.  
Quite pungent and losing small, white balls from the inside, this blond creature is inside a blue "Giant" shopping bag. The eyes and muzzle are chewed out.  It looks like this canine went right for the face.
One arm and both legs still have stuffing, the left arm is  floppy and torn. The creature's tail  and long ears are  intact. It has a little black loop maybe for suspend from a door? This looks like a possible child's toy, abducted by a canine....who is a pincher maybe Rhotweiller mix with cute eyes and ears named Maya. 

The enclosed note reads" Hi, I'm Maya (dog)  dot dots and a smile and two exclamation points."
 This one is decidedly aromatic. Maya is the dog at the top here.

Hard to describe that doggie smell, but we all know it. Maybe by the time I've received all of the entries, I'll know what words to put to the smell. Any thoughts?

Monday, May 5, 2008

Ralphie from Baghdad

Here is Ralphie from Baghdad, my friend Peter is over there and adopted this dog. He's a puppy and teething, so chewing everything. Here is a toy he might send to us eventually.We wish Ralphie and Peter and all of their friends safe nights and days, and offer our thanks for all they do.