Monday, June 30, 2008

this one in from New Hampshire and more to come

This friend came from Patricia in New Hampshire the other day. I have another box or two to open.

I feel like I am having contact with so many wonderful creatures through this project, as well as wonderful folks who are keen to participate and share with the world a love of animals, and especially dogs. Our love of hounds is ancient and full of history, stories of rescue, courage, and good deeds.

 I am discovering how much people are attached to these objects, that they symbolize the history of deep relationships and exchange between human and animal, the bonds that link us, and the complexities there. These cartoony objects with simplified anatomy and google-y eyes are evidence of love, friendship, and many days of time spent together....or apart.

 They arrive shredded and disemboweled, sometime unrecognizable as anything but stuffing and fake fur. These are the roadkill of our dogs' activity and joyful play, stress release and anxiety therapy. I am fascinated by the shear variety of creatures live and constructed. 

The exhibit will be mounted at the end of July, and the show will open August 6th! See Patricia Ladd Cargea's Gallery on line. 

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